Many people who visit or live in Tamarindo come for the surfing. It is, after all, one of the best places to learn to surf with several consistent breaks. There are the rare few, myself included, who prefer to skip the surfing. With the whole town consumed with surfing, how could you possibly figured out something else to do, right? Wrong! Here are some of my favorite ways to spend the day in a surfer’s paradise without surfing.

–       Kayaking & Paddle Boarding: If you still want to be out in the water but don’t love the surf experience, try kayaking or paddle boarding.  It’s a very different experience. The island just off shore is a great place to venture to and offers good snorkeling around the rocks.

–       Biking: There are several biking options depending on what you’re looking for. Rent a cruiser and head down to the beach for a leisurely afternoon. You can also bike down the road to Langosta to discover the different beach scene. If you’re looking for a challenge, the old road to Villa Real is just that. If you’re a more serious mountain biker, checkout this article for details on some of the best in Costa Rica.

–       Sunsets: Watching the sunset is something people take very seriously here. It’s just that amazing! Go for a beach stroll or grab some drinks at one of the beach bars and enjoy the view. A lot of locals like to surf around sunset, and while I don’t love to surf, it is fun to watch especially the good ones. Make sure you look out for the long boarder with the red shorts!

–       Volleyball: Tamarindo has a few beach volleyball nets out in front of Witch’s Rock. It’s a great beach activity for the competitive or casual player just make sure you follow these tips on how to hold your own on the volleyball courts.

–       Bronzing: Who doesn’t love that sun-kissed glow. Isn’t that the whole point of a beach – to chill and find your zen while working on your tan. Hopefully you don’t need more explaining on this one!

–       Coffee: Yes, that’s right coffee is an activity. I love a leisurely breakfast with lots of coffee or an afternoon coffee. Tamarindo has a few good spots to get some of Costa Rica’s finest – Café Tico is my fave.

If you’re a non-surfer, let me know how you spend your day!

Written by: Stacey Landlover

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