Most people who come to Costa Rica immediately fall in love with it, which can lead to some pretty awesome vacation experiences. Here are 6 absolutely amazing things that seem far fetched but are super common that may happen to you on your Costa Rica vacation.

    1. Fall in love

As the saying goes when you’re doing what you love, you’ll find your love. Not surprising then that many travelers, myself included, also meet their match while in Costa Rica. At first I thought I was unique and felt pretty special about my vacation story of meeting my love at surf school but then after staying in Costa Rica awhile I realized this happens all the time (including the surf school story).


  1. Cancel or change your return flight home

It is not uncommon for travelers to cancel their flights home or change their tickets to stay longer – Costa Rica is just that amazing! I was originally going to be in Costa Rica for 3 weeks and am now well past the year mark. Many of my friends in Costa Rica also had similar plans. One friend who was set to stay for 3 months, is nearly at 10 years!


    1. Start or buy a business

Let’s call it the vacation-high…many travelers are so inspired when they get here that they want to find a way to stay in Costa Rica and, of course, a business is part of that. I have met many people in Costa Rica who were able to spot an opportunity either starting or buying something and turn it into a thriving business.


  1. Buy a house

If this one is unclear, I’ll direct you to House Hunters International. Enough said.

    1. Plan your next vacation

A photo posted by Jill (@jillnaaijen) on

 Without a doubt Costa Rica is a highly contagious country for the “travel bug.” When you travel, you want to travel more. It’s hard to finish one vacation without knowing where you’re going next. I talk to people all the time who spend their beach time plotting their next get away. More often than not a second vacation to Costa Rica is in the works.
  1. Pura Vida

There is vacation mode and then there is Pura Vida mode. Once you get a taste of this Pura Vida blissfulness it can change your life. Costa Ricans (or Ticos) do life well and many travelers leave with a fresh, enlightened perspective of how to fully enjoy the best of life.


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