It’s hard to believe that 2015 is nearly over. This time of year always brings people to reflection about the past year and what they want for 2016 – those goals or resolutions. If you look at the data on New Year’s resolutions, most people surprisingly or unsurprisingly fail. Only 8% succeed. My thought on the high failure rate is that people are not putting themselves in an optimal environment for success, which leads me to my point that Costa Rica is the answer to all your New Year’s resolutions.

Here’s a look at popular New Year’s resolutions and how being in Costa Rica can help you actually achieve these goals for once.

–       Get Active: Being active in Costa Rica is easy – it’s a way of life here. With 365 days of sunshine you will always find people outside hiking, biking, surfing or any number of other fun activities. No TV watching here!

–       Eat Healthy: Costa Rican food is back to basics. Simple “real food” ingredients prepared in, well, simple ways. Most towns have weekly farmer’s markets where you can find local fruits and vegetables, natural spices and healthy prepared food.

–       Lose Weight: This is usually the #1 resolution and the #1 failure but in Costa Rica it doesn’t have to be that way. Combine “Get Active” with “Eat Healthy” to get your recipe for success.

–       Save Money: Living in Costa Rica allows you to pocket a little extra money every month. Rent prices are about 58% lower than in the US and consumer prices are about 22% lower. Rather than talking about saving money, you’ll actually be able to do it now.

–       Read More: I’m sure you’ve seen those “Top Summer Beach Reads” lists. Reading and the beach go together well. In Tamarindo, the beach is at your doorstep and the endless summer weather means you no longer have to reserve your reading to one season of the year.

–       Learn Something New: Costa Rica is the perfect place to learn something new. Haven’t you always been saying you wanted to become fluent in another language? Boom – Spanish it is! Tamarindo is also a great place to learn how to surf. You can’t walk down the beach without being asked if you need a surf lesson. Next time you’re asked, just say “yes.”

–       Meet New Friends: It seems we always want to meet new people but when it comes down to it, it is actually pretty hard. People are set in their ways and have their circle of friends carved out. Costa Rica is different. It has a big expat community who embrace like-minded newbies. You’ll be having beach mojitos with your new friends in no time.

–       Digital Unplug: Everyone is consumed by social media now and can’t let go of that grip on the cell phone. If you’ve read the rest of the list, by now it should be pretty clear how Costa Rica can support a digital unplug. You’ll be busy surfing or hiking, learning Spanish, reading a book on the beach, and sipping drinks with your new amigos.

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