If you’ve travelled anywhere in your life you live and die by the TripAdvisor app. If a place has a lot of positive reviews and ranks near the top, you can be pretty sure you’re going to have a fun time. Here are the top 5 things to do in Tamarindo found on TripAdvisor:
1. Boat Tours
You simply must take a boat tour a.k.a. booze cruise while you’re here. You can knock out 3 activities in one excursion! Sailing, drinking, and snorkeling. Make sure to check out Secrets to a successful sunset cruise before you depart.
This is a relatively new tour in town that takes you about 45 minutes north of Tamarindo to beaches like Playa Danta, Playa Flamingo, and Playa Potrero. It leaves from Sharky’s at 1:00pm every Sunday and includes a free shot at every stop. Sometimes the craziest part of the tour is on the bus! A great way to escape from Tamarindo, party with friends, and see some amazing beaches. You can purchase tickets online for the tour by clicking this link.
Pedro’s fishing tours are the real deal! Hop on a panga boat and test your luck at catching dorado, yellow fin tuna, and a variety of other fish. Probably the best deal in town in terms of price and value. If there are fish to be caught, Pedro and his crew will get your lines tight.
4. Snuba
Not everybody has time to get certified in SCUBA, fortunately Mike and his team at SNUBA Costa Rica can give you that same underwater, weightless felling without the week long class. Definitely a must do if you find yourself singing “Under the Sea” on the plan ride down here.
This is the tour to rule them all. If you have one day to spare, take the combo tour. Horseback riding, zip-lining, rafting, rapelling, rock-climbing, and an amazing buffet lunch are all included on this tour. Not all tour providers are the same, and Go Adventures will go the extra mile to make your day amazing.
If you have other favorite things to do in Tamarindo leave them in the comments below.