I am not a practitioner of yoga mainly because I think it’s a bit creepy when there’s only one guy in a yoga class full of women. BUT, I do appreciate women who practice yoga and think that it’s a huge plus when considering to date a girl. Without further ado, presenting the top 5 reasons to date a girl who practices yoga.
Less Drama
Yoga is all about releasing stress and “finding balance” which equals less drama in your relationship. Namaste to that!
Stronger immune system
Nothing worse than dating a girl who’s always sick! Yoga is exercise and exercise helps you stay healthy!
Healthy habits
You won’t find any cheetos at a Yoga girl’s apartment. Hey, you might even end up eating a healthier diet once you date a yoga girl!
She lives in the moment
Yoga teaches you mindfulness and to live in the moment. A much needed trait when so many girls have a selfie stick glued to their hand!
No explanation needed here.