I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary of living in Costa Rica, and I have to say, there are some things about living here that just plain suck. My honeymoon phase with this country is over. Below are the top 7 things that suck about living in Costa Rica.

1.The sunsets

Seriously, every night the same thing. Pink, purple and orange sky. The occasional “green flash”. This is getting old. Please someone take me back to Manhattan.

2. Ticos

These people are way too friendly. Always smiling, helping tourists with their questions, enjoying life. Do they ever get mad??!!!

3. “Pura Vida”

The national motto, a way of living for this country. Don’t they know work is WAY more important than family and friends!

4. Too many waves

Shore breaks, point breaks, lefts, rights, reef breaks. Way too many options for surfers. And I miss wearing a wetsuit and the crowded lineups in Ventura!

5. The Food

Ughhh. Mangos just fall from the trees here! Sometimes I want to go to Whole Foods and pay for overpriced organic food.

6. Liberia Airport

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It’s way too easy for Canadians and Americans to come down here. All these direct flights are spoiling this country!

7. Sharky’s

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I came here to never watch American football again. Now every Sunday this damn sports bar has EVERY game of my favorite team on. Curse you Ben!

Comment below if you share in these “struggles”.

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