After living in New York City for nearly 10 years, many of my friends are surprised that I would pick Tamarindo as my new home. But as different as they may seem, there are actually a lot of similarities that can make any New Yorker feel at home.

–       Neighborhoods: New Yorkers hate leaving their neighborhood. If you have a friend that lives down in SoHo, good luck getting them to come to the Upper East Side for drinks. Tamarindo is like one NYC neighborhood that you never have to leave. All your friends, bars, restaurants, etc. are right here in the perfect little bubble.

–       Street meat: Late night drinking got you hungry? New Yorkers know to hit the Halal cart in midtown post bars, but don’t worry you can find your street meat in Tamarindo parked just outside the popular bars any night of the week.

–       Drinking with a view: Nothing says New York like rooftop bars with a view – it’s practically a sport. In Tamarindo they’ve perfected this sport as well with sunset drinks on the beach.

–       Taxis: We love our yellow cabs in NY but nothing can be more annoying then not being able to hail one when you’re in a hurry. Well here in Tamarindo all your taxis worries are gone. You can’t walk down the street with out being asked if you need a taxi.

–       Grocery stores: Not much for cooking, New Yorkers survive on quick runs to corner bodegas (wine, chocolate, chips – check!). While the grocery stores in Tamarindo might be a disappoint to some, they are the norm for New York. The only thing missing is that creepy cat lurking around the aisles (yes, you know what I’m talking about!).

–       Flip flops: Commuting on the NYC subway in high heels is a pain so most ladies wear flip flops and swap when they get to their destination. In Tamarindo it’s all flip flops all the time – no need to carry around your heels and make the awkward swap on the corner before heading in to dinner.

If you’re from New York, let me know what you think!

Written by: Sarah Apple

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