You can’t believe everything you read online. Especially the weather forecasts for Costa Rica.

As you probably know, Costa Rica has two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season.

If you’re planning a trip down to Costa Rica during the rainy season, the 10 day forecast is probably going to look something like this:

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You see forecasts like this and you automatically think, “OH NOOOOO! IT’S GOING TO RAIN EVERY DAY OF MY VACATION!”

Take a deep breath, close the page, and relax.

During the rainy season it might rain a little bit each day. Key words: little bit. But this is nothing to worry about. A half hour shower won’t ruin your trip.

It’s hot down here and you’ll be thankful it’s raining!


If you’re vacationing in the province of Guanacaste, it might not even rain at all despite what the forecast calls for.

So don’t fret the forecasts. There’s plenty of sunshine in this amazing country, especially in the Guanacaste province where some of the best beaches are.


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